The Rafferty’s Lake Michigan family photos were so beautiful! Luke and Claire currently live in Chicago, but they both went to college in South Bend where we had originally planned to do their family photos. Claire’s family ended up planning a last-minute trip to their family lake home in Holland, so we switched locations.

I think the location switch was perfect for them and their family. Claire and Luke actually got married at the family lake home back in June of 2022, so it was fitting that we took their first family photos there with their baby, Finn, almost two years to the date of their anniversary.

The Rafferty’s Lake Home Family Photos in Holland, Michigan

We started out their session by the hydrangeas in the front yard and made our way all around the property. The landscaping there is incredible, and their family lake home is absolutely stunning. It made for the perfect backdrop for their Lake Michigan family photos.

Finn was starting to get a little antsy, and it turns out he just needed a little power nap! I adore the photos of Luke and Claire rocking him to sleep and admiring him. They truly turned out to be some of my favorite photos from this sweet family session!

Fun on The Boat For Their Lake Michigan Family Photos

After making our way around their beautiful family property, we then made our way lakeside. After his nap, Finn gave us more smiles and we ended the session with some fun on the boat. There was originally heavy rain in the forecast, but thankfully it held out long enough for the entire session!

This session is also a great example that props can make all of the difference for your photos! While I know a boat isn’t always ideal or easy to come by, if you have easy access to one and are having a summer family photoshoot, it can be so fun to incorporate and can bring a uniqueness to your session!

Overall, this family session was perfect, and I felt so honored to capture The Rafferty’s Lake Michigan family photos as a new family of three. Not only was the location perfect, but Claire and Luke also did such a wonderful job at coordinating their outfits—perfect for summer family photos on the lake!

Let’s Capture Your Own Lake Michigan Family Photos Next!

If you’re looking to have your own Lake Michigan family photos captured, I would love to hear from you. Or maybe you’re thinking of another beautiful location or Michigan lake (we all know Michigan isn’t short in the water department!). Either way, I would love to hear from you and see if we’re a great fit.

Feel free to learn more about me here. If I sound like the Michigan family photographer for you, then inquire with me and let’s get to know one another better. Until then, make sure to check out other family sessions on the blog for inspiration!

Riley Trott Photography | Michigan Family Photographer

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